
Free On-Line Lessons for Intermediate-Level English Language Learners


Below is a list of grammar and vocabulary lessons for intermediate-level English language learners from

NFL – Sports vocabulary to describe the two New York football teams. 1. Study vocabulary: won, beat, lost, win, loss, record. 2. Read and write messages on the sports forum.

Passive modals – Passive modals from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. 1. Study grammar: passive modals. 2. Read and write messages on the Harry Potter forum.

Wireless – Part of a news article about wireless technology. 1. Read about wireless technology and learn some vocabulary. 2. Study grammar: present perfect. 3. Read and write messages on the forums.

Cruise – A short conversation about a cruise. 1. Study grammar: past simple and present perfect. 2. Read and write messages on the forums.

Lend and Borrow – A short conversation about a car loan. 1. Study vocabulary: lend, borrow, and loan. 2. Read and write messages on the forums.

Yahoo CEO – A statement about Yahoo’s business. 1. Read about Yahoo’s business. 2. Test how well you understood the reading. 3. Study grammar: past perfect.

Business questions – Questions about stocks. 1. Study grammar: making questions. 2. Ask questions on the message boards.Learn English by taking a free low intermediate English listening class


Source: Lessons for Intermediate-Level Students


Test Your English Vocabulary Skills


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Below is a vocabulary quiz item for FACE words on Agenda Web’s website’s vocabulary exercises page.  You can also learn and improve your grammar, reading, pronunciation and other skills using this site’s free, interactive content.

Example Vocabulary Question

If you like this site, please share it with your friends and classmates!



Immigrant Experience: This Land is Your Land, This Land is (Not) My Land


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This Land is Your Land, This Land is (Not) My Land, was written by a woman who emmigrated to the U.S. from Bosnia as a young girl.   It’s sobering to think that many who come to the U.S. for refuge from terror, poverty and hopelessness in their homeland find conditions here in the U.S. to be intolerable as well.

It goes without saying that our President has only fueled the flames of hatred against immigrants and, I believe, all classes of people struggling to make a living, follow their non-Christian beliefs (and even Christian beliefs that espouse personal perspectives rather than condemning all those outside of one’s own), and get justice for the wrongs committed against them or security in their own communities.

I hope this article speaks to you as it did to me.

Source Link:


ESL Games, Stories, Songs and Plays for Kids, Teens and Adults.


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Do you want hundreds of ideas and inspiration to make your ESL teaching easier and more fun?  Do you need to know how to motivate your pupils, help them learn and enjoy your lessons more?

Source: ESL Games, Stories, Songs and Plays for Kids, Teens and Adults.


Theory on How We Learn Language: Stephen Krashen’s Hypothesis

Linguist Stephen Krashen believes that people who have already learned a language fluently would be more successful in learning a new language if they would approach the learning process like children naturally do.  In other words, if they would simply immerse themselves in the new language, express themselves without worrying about making mistakes, and keep communicating as best they can until they can sort out the language “nuances” through the language “data” they receive from listening to it in various contexts AND from others’ responses to what they say.   The brain needs time to distinguish between meaningful units of sounds they aren’t in one’s native language, to identify common language structures and words/phrases used in various contexts, and to essentially create meaning from the massive amounts material it has to process and sort into a coherant message.   The process of recognizing patterns of speech, attributing the meaning behind guestures and other forms of unspoken communication, and the various sound-symbol relationships required for reading and writing takes time.  Krashen believes that focusing on the “form” of language (grammar) rather than on its “function”  (usage) delays language learning because it inhibits language learners from speaking until they’re “ready” and, thus, limits the amount of time they would otherwise have to practice using it and learning as they go–like children do when they are acquiring their first and even additional languages.

For a more detailed explanation of his theory of language acquisition, open the link to his article below.

Source: Stephen Krashen’s Language Learning Theory