
Below is a list of grammar and vocabulary lessons for intermediate-level English language learners from ESLgo.com.

NFL – Sports vocabulary to describe the two New York football teams. 1. Study vocabulary: won, beat, lost, win, loss, record. 2. Read and write messages on the sports forum.

Passive modals – Passive modals from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. 1. Study grammar: passive modals. 2. Read and write messages on the Harry Potter forum.

Wireless – Part of a news article about wireless technology. 1. Read about wireless technology and learn some vocabulary. 2. Study grammar: present perfect. 3. Read and write messages on the forums.

Cruise – A short conversation about a cruise. 1. Study grammar: past simple and present perfect. 2. Read and write messages on the forums.

Lend and Borrow – A short conversation about a car loan. 1. Study vocabulary: lend, borrow, and loan. 2. Read and write messages on the forums.

Yahoo CEO – A statement about Yahoo’s business. 1. Read about Yahoo’s business. 2. Test how well you understood the reading. 3. Study grammar: past perfect.

Business questions – Questions about stocks. 1. Study grammar: making questions. 2. Ask questions on the message boards.Learn English by taking a free low intermediate English listening class


Source:  ESLgo.com: Lessons for Intermediate-Level Students